Business Fellowship

Benefit from the unique perspectives and experiences of your fellow business fellows, as well as expert mentorship and guidance from seasoned business leaders.

What can you expect?

We will provide you with all the resources you need in your journey. From training sessions to being part of an amazing community that will be part of your support network.


Get deeper expertise on Growth, Analytics, and problem solution.

Office Hours

Get mentoring sessions with top founders or operators that have gone through similar problems.


Connect with other founders at similar stages to support each other in your journey.

IRL Events

Make connections in your country with the people you met through the fellowship.


You will have access to perks from AWS, Zendesk, Notion, and other companies.

Work at a startup

We will help you to land interviews at top startups of the region.

Work at a high-growth startup

We will help you to land a job at a top startup from Latin America.

What skills will I acquire or improve for business?

You will receive leadership training sessions and founder training. The difference between a good and great leaders is their mindset.

Do I choose with startup I can have interviews with?

No, You can tell us in what startup you would like to work, but we can't assure there will be open roles.

Is there any fee for me?

No, we don't charge any fees to you. Neither for the training, the placement nor after the placement.

We will charge the startup that hires you for this.

We can lie, our fellow don't.

Our community speak for ourselves.

"With Makers, I’ve been able to start my journey as an entrepreneur and founder. Not only have I had the chance to acquire skills and learn about the startup ecosystem in Latam from top mentors, founders and advisors, I also feel part of a community of young people who, like me, want to build the next generation of top startups and unicorns."

Valentina Ponce de León, Business Fellow

"Makers Fellowship has been the perfect chance to be around of extraordinary people who want to enhance diverse industries in Latam through technology, networking, hard-smart work and passion.
[...] it is fantastic to have the opportunity to get in touch easily with them through the fellowship when you need the help of someone with a great experience."

Alejandra Pulido, Business Fellow

"Makers is definitely a life-changing opportunity. This community has opened the doors to a world that I thought didn’t exist, it has contributed exponentially to my professional and personal growth, thanks to all the talks, training, and job opportunities they have given me. Being part of this community has allowed me to connect with impressive people with a growth mindset that is contagious."

Juan Sebastián Valasquez, Coding Fellow

"Makers made me grow up professionally years in just a few months. Having weekly meetings with top-tier leaders of LatAm’s startup market such as Andres Bilbao and Bianca Sassoon and listening to their feedback was a rocket fuel for growth. As a business fellow, I joined an a16z backed high performing team with zero bullshit and extremely ambitious goals.

Victor Assis, Coding Fellow

"Building new things from scratch is difficult. No to mention having an impact that could last generations. Makers gives you a boost up with an ambitious community of peers that are building meaningful things and mentors that have  done it already."

Juan Pablo Garzón, Founder Fellow

"Starting a company is not only harder than a usual job, it's lonelier too (especially as a young, first-time founder!). Makers is the community I wished for all this time without knowing. Although the mentoring and the opportunities I've had so far are top-notch, I have to admit I'm especially grateful for something much simpler: the peers I've met.

Lautaro Paskevicius, Founder Fellow

Our mission is to incubate the future leaders of the next 1000 startups in Latin America with a completely free program.